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What should be my logo? beginner to professional

“A logo is the strongest yet subtle representation of your brand.”

What is a LOGO?
What exactly is a logo? Doesn’t it sound like an easy concept ? Although, it’s not as simple as it sounds. We had the same thought when we first started, but alas, that is not the case. We see a lot of logos in our daily lives. Logos have become a part of our everyday lives. We only pay attention to them when we want to. On our pen, our grooming kit, lipstick or lotion, our mobile, our vehicle, etc. Logos can be found everywhere. They are now a part of our lives.

So, what exactly is a logo? Logos, at their most basic, are symbols composed of text and images that assist us in identifying brands we like. They can, however, be so much more! A strong logo is the foundation of your brand. It assists customers in comprehending what you do, who you really are, and what’s your relevance. That’s a massive responsibility for such a small image!

What constitutes a good logo?

Even among design professionals, the question of whether or not a logo is good can cause confusion. Personal preference is an unavoidable factor in the discussion, which can make it appear to be an unsolvable puzzle. But this is not the case. To explain what constitutes a fantastic logo, you must think about it rationally- that is without allowing personal views, priorities, or viewpoints to influence the outcome.

You must ask yourself, “What does the logo convey about the company?” How well does it remain popular, and can people recognize it in a single glance? Graphics, typography, and colour schemes are common components of logos. A good logo is unique, appropriate, functional, stylized, and simple in design, and it communicates the brand’s true intent.

Golden Rules and Things to consider before Designing a Logo.

Preliminary Groundwork
You should start a logo design project by doing some preliminary research. Keeping your services or products in mind will also make it much easier to reach an agreement on your logo design later on. Make a point of asking yourself why the business exists. What exactly does it do, and how does it do it? What distinguishes you from other companies? And what do you focus heavily on? Some of these questions may appear so simple that they appear unnecessary, but they can be difficult to answer and will give rise to more queries about your company in a person’s mind.

The Logo must be timeless
Another important aspect of designing a logo is ensuring that it is timeless. If something hasn’t been seen for at least 50 years, designing a logo around it is probably not a good idea. Good logos are built with elements that will last a long time. Logos based on existing design trends are yet another example of logos that aren’t timeless. But apart from the inherent problems with this as a logo design style, this trend will be gone in a year or two, and the designs will quickly be outdated.

The Logo should communicate
A logo, like any other design, must convey a message. We merely mean to share or impart when we say “connect.” A message can also be a tale, a concept, a feeling, or a state of mind. A logo can convey a message by using a symbol that represents a core belief, product, or service of the company. Or it can convey a message through design execution—simplicity, luxury, high-tech, low-tech, and vintage are all easily communicated through design execution. Or, as in the case of Apple’s “Apple” logo or McDonald’s Golden Arches logo; the logo can communicate a larger storey that is either understood implicitly or only after some explanation.

Your logo should represent the company
Although it may seem obvious, you’d be amazed how many companies want something “similar” to a competitor. If your logo includes a symbol, also known as a “bug,” it should be related to your business, your name, a distinguishing feature of your business, or a competitive edge you provide. What is the one thing you want people to notice about your company? Consider objects that represent speed, such as aircraft or a clock, if it is a quick delivery.

Consider using a conceptual symbol to convey a forward-thinking attitude—abstracts are ideal for IT companies. Or maybe you just want something to reflect the product or service you’re providing. Be as clever as you can, but not at the cost of clarity.

Do not copy
Whatever you do, just do not copy a logo of your competitor. This mistake will definitely be the downfall of your business before it even starts as it will lead to not only negative publicity, but your financial downfall as well.

What is the psychology of color in logo design?
Color theory is challenging, but creators who understand the fundamentals can use colours effectively. The following are the fundamental rules to remember: Use colours that are close to each other on the colour wheel (for example, crimson, red, and yellow hues for a “warm” palette). Use colours that are not so bright that they are difficult to see. The logo should also look really good in black and white, shades of gray, and primary colours. It’s okay to bend the rules every now and then; just make sure you’ve got a good reason! It’s also important to understand how colours elicit emotions and moods. The colour red, for example, can elicit feelings of love, devotion, and strength.

A Few Logo Designing Tips For Beginners From Scratch.

Find inspiration
You can check out various types and examples of logos on Pinterest, Google, or even take a tutorial or two on YouTube.

Evaluate your options
Make sure to try different hues and styles before finalizing your logo.

Don’t rush
Do not rush into selecting a logo. It is what will represent your business or brand the most.

Know your audience
Before you start designing a complex logo in different languages or less known words, ponder upon the fact if your target audience will be able to perceive it.

Invite feedback
Seek suggestions and feedback from your peers before finalizing a logo. Maybe take a poll on instagram or a survey from the general public.

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