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Traditional Marketing vs. Digital Marketing: Which One Is Better?

There are many ways for businesses to catch the attention of their customers, between the tried strategies for both traditional marketing and new and innovative digital marketing. Thre are numerous strategies in the market so businesses have to choose which one should they focus on or which is the best? When discussing traditional marketing vs digital marketing, there are a lot of things to consider. In this article, we will be discussing both and will help you choose the best one that suits your business.

What is Traditional Marketing?
Traditional Marketing features marketing methods that can be used without the internet. These marketing methods have been around for decades but are now used often less. Common traditional methods include mailed postcards, tv or radio commercials, newspaper or magazine ads, text messages, and telephone calls. There are many ads that we hear and see every day on the TV, when we are in our car we listen to the radio, and out of the window we see many billboards as we go by. They’s are now a part of our everyday life.

What is Digital Marketing?
Digital Marketing is evolving quickly because of the new trends and technologies. These marketing methods include the use of the internet and smartphones. Common traditional marketing methods include Website Development, Email Marketing, Content Marketing, Search Engine Optimization, and Social Media Marketing. These marketing strategies are very popular because of the frequent use of the internet by consumers today. There are about 4.95 billion internet users and 4.62 billion social media users, with a number of internet users this high marketing online makes a lot of sense.

Pros & Cons of Traditional Marketing
Traditional Marketing is viewed as an ineffective and outdated method of marketing. But there are still some of its tactics that are useful today. To help you choose if traditional marketing is the best for your business, here are some pros and cons.

Pros of Traditional Marketing

If you want to reach an older demographic then using traditional marketing is the best method. It has been seen that audiences above 50+ spend almost twice as much time reading newspapers and watching television as compared to those aged 25-37.
Traditional marketing usually works when you have to target a local and larger audience. A new and small business is better off advertising on billboards or flyers rather than competing on the internet for digital space with a larger audience.
Ways of traditional marketing will remind the audience of your business regularly rather than digital ads that can be skipped by the users.
Cons of Traditional Marketing

Printing and distributing postcards and flyers can be a little more expensive with no guarantee that a customer has read them. It will also not be able to tell you whether the customer is interested in your business or not.
Traditional Marketing methods can take weeks and months to show results and data. You can’t tell if a customer has read your ad in the newspaper until and unless they have decided to follow up.
Pros and Cons of Digital Marketing
Digital Marketing methods are continuously evolving with new trends and technology. These methods include the latest and modern tactics, but as with traditional marketing there are some areas of digital marketing that thrives and other doesn’t. Some pros and cons of digital marketing are:

Pros of Digital Marketing

Audience and data can be tracked instantly through this medium. Whether someone clicks on your link, follows you on social media, or reads an email you will have the information related to it immediately.
Digital marketing methods incur a lot lower costs. Sending an email out to your audience is much cheaper than printing and distributing flyers to the public.
It works well for a larger audience as digital marketing has a broad scope.
Cons of Digital Marketing

Some of the users on the internet have ad blockers so that they will never be able to see popups or ads on their screen or mobile. And other times ads can be skipped or removed as users pay for their premium services.
As new technology and trends are evolving frequently, there is also a need to evaluate and reevaluate digital marketing tactics for effectiveness continuously. It may seem that what works well one day will not be relevant the other day.

Which One is Better?
When considering which marketing method is the best for your business, analyze your audience and also find out where they get their information from and use this information to make your decision. When deciding between traditional and digital marketing it is not necessarily true that one is better than the other because both methods serve different purposes. The bottom line is that you have fully understand your audience and your business to pick the strategy that suits your brand the best.

If you are looking for a Digital Marketing Agency or services for your business to grow online then WOWIT has got you covered. We understand your needs and the work that needs to be done to make you reach the top.

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