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Morni Sarees

Morni Sarees, a revered designer brand in Central India, marries tradition with contemporary flair, offering a diverse range of ethnic ensembles for the modern woman.

objectives given by client

Heritage Highlights

Showcase Morni Sarees’ rich heritage and craftsmanship through visually stunning posts and videos that celebrate traditional Indian textiles and designs.

Artisan Appreciation

Highlight the skilled artisans behind Morni Sarees’ creations, sharing their stories and craftsmanship journey to connect with the audience.

Social Commerce Integration

Implement shoppable posts and direct purchasing options on social media platforms to facilitate easy and direct sales for Morni Sarees.

the solutions we offered

Visual Heritage Campaigns

Develop visually appealing campaigns that showcase Morni Sarees’ intricate designs, cultural significance, and craftsmanship, resonating with traditional fashion enthusiasts.

E-commerce Traffic Building

Optimize Morni Sarees’ e-commerce website for mobile responsiveness and user experience, streamlining the path to purchase for online shoppers.

Social Commerce Strategies

Implement social commerce features on Instagram and Facebook, enabling direct product tagging and purchasing options to drive sales and conversions for Morni Sarees.


Facebook and Instagram with total of followers 12,996 an increase of +345 % on Facebook and 3,126 an increase of +1.2% on Instagram

With ""Summer Shades"" Reel account reached a wider audience and generated significant buzz, resulting in a reach of 9,247 accounts.

64.3K Account Reach 93,706 Impressions 889 Account Interaction [Hyperlocal Accounts]