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Renowned as one of the top firms among 200 organizations in Michigan Detroit and is ranked 21 for its technology and service partnerships with industry-leading global entities such as Oracle, SAP, Microsoft and Vertica with offices in 18 other locations across the globe.

objectives given by client

Increase Digital Footprint

Elevate Netlink’s online presence to stand out in the competitive global software market.

SEO Strategy Implementation

Create and execute a comprehensive SEO strategy to drive organic traffic and improve search engine rankings.

Build Industry Authority

Develop high-quality content to establish Netlink as a thought leader in the software industry.

the solutions we offered

In-Depth Competitor Analysis

Performed detailed competitor analysis to uncover opportunities for outperforming other top-tier software firms.

Foundational SEO Setup

Established a solid SEO foundation by optimizing website indexing, SEO-friendly URLs, and site structure for better search engine visibility.

Technical SEO Enhancements

Improved technical aspects such as site speed, mobile optimization, and structured data to boost user experience and search engine performance.

On-Page SEO Optimization

Enhanced meta tags, headers, and content with targeted keywords to improve relevance and rankings for key software-related terms.

Off-Page SEO Strategy

Implemented a robust off-page SEO strategy, focusing on acquiring high-quality backlinks and social signals to increase domain authority and search engine rankings.

Authoritative Article Submissions

Created and submitted expert articles to relevant industry platforms to establish Netlink's expertise and drive targeted traffic to the website.

Engaging Blog Postings

Published regular blog content on industry trends, insights, and best practices to reinforce Netlink's position as a thought leader in the software sector.


Clicks Per Day: 759

Clicks Per Month: 9.2K

Impressions Per Month: 230K

Keywords Ranked: 87

Traffic Growth (Per Month): 4.5K to 9.2K

Pages Optimized: 76+

Blog Posts: 44

Article Submissions: 22